Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011
Jumat, 25 Februari 2011
Runaway Love - Justin Bieber
You see my baby up and hit the road
Where she’s going that’s what nobody knows
I need to find her before another man does
I wouldn’t want him to steal my love
I’m just trying to be cool, cool, cool(trying to be cool)
Whatcha expect me to do(ohh yeah)
I’m just trying to find, find, find; sweet love of mine
I’m running out of time, where is my runaway love?
Searching low and high, know that I’m not giving up
I’d give it all up for us(never be enough)(I won’t stop until I find) my runaway love
See my baby really needs some help
Cause she can never stay at home by herself
She says she needs a little company
Even if she’s not always with me yeahh, ohh
You see my baby up and hit the road
Where she’s going that’s what nobody knows
I need to find her before another man does
I wouldn’t want him to steal my love
I’m just trying to be cool, cool, cool(trying to be cool)
Whatcha expect me to do(ohh yeah)
I’m just trying to find, find, find; sweet love of mine
I’m running out of time, where is my runaway love?
Searching low and high, know that I’m not giving up
I’d give it all up for us(never be enough)(I won’t stop until I find) my runaway love
Why can’t I find (why can’t I find) the love of mine
When you’re standing right in front of my face
Oh, I must be blind, how did I let you get away? (yeah, yeah)
I’m running out of time, where is my runaway love?
Searching low and high, know that I’m not giving up
I’d give it all up for us(never be enough)
(I won’t stop until I find) my runaway love
I’m running out of time, where is my runaway love?
Searching low and high, know that I’m not giving up
I’d give it all up for us(never be enough)
(I won’t stop until I find) my runaway love
Where she’s going that’s what nobody knows
I need to find her before another man does
I wouldn’t want him to steal my love
I’m just trying to be cool, cool, cool(trying to be cool)
Whatcha expect me to do(ohh yeah)
I’m just trying to find, find, find; sweet love of mine
I’m running out of time, where is my runaway love?
Searching low and high, know that I’m not giving up
I’d give it all up for us(never be enough)(I won’t stop until I find) my runaway love
See my baby really needs some help
Cause she can never stay at home by herself
She says she needs a little company
Even if she’s not always with me yeahh, ohh
You see my baby up and hit the road
Where she’s going that’s what nobody knows
I need to find her before another man does
I wouldn’t want him to steal my love
I’m just trying to be cool, cool, cool(trying to be cool)
Whatcha expect me to do(ohh yeah)
I’m just trying to find, find, find; sweet love of mine
I’m running out of time, where is my runaway love?
Searching low and high, know that I’m not giving up
I’d give it all up for us(never be enough)(I won’t stop until I find) my runaway love
Why can’t I find (why can’t I find) the love of mine
When you’re standing right in front of my face
Oh, I must be blind, how did I let you get away? (yeah, yeah)
I’m running out of time, where is my runaway love?
Searching low and high, know that I’m not giving up
I’d give it all up for us(never be enough)
(I won’t stop until I find) my runaway love
I’m running out of time, where is my runaway love?
Searching low and high, know that I’m not giving up
I’d give it all up for us(never be enough)
(I won’t stop until I find) my runaway love
saya ini sudah gila atau apa ?
dear my blogger,
haha, I don't know what's on my mind now ..
but tonight that I think only you, me and us!
This all not more than a story about us and the problems we are facing today ..
a problem where a sense of trust that is faded and fading ..
and just one sentence which came out of my mind today,
I was already mad or what ?!!
I feel like screaming as tight as possible so that you may believe that my love for precious ..
Yapp !
shouted, the best way to relieve my tired now ..
not go to malls or having fun anymore ..
but solitude and shout!
because I was already tired of crying,
and behave as if not what happens in between us!
I must be strong, I don't want to be a weak girl ..
I should be a supergirl like what do you want !
dan sekali lagi,
saya ini sudah gila atau apa ?!!
atau bahkan mungkin lebih dari sekedar gila ?
i hope you understands,
Kamis, 17 Februari 2011
D for DamarJurtasFirmansyah ✗o✗o ♥
sayangg thanks fot necklace berlambang D yg kamu ksh ke aku malam ini :))
aku juga gatau kenapa kamu belinya bisa pas D&R,
but that's all really so sweet :-*
Jagain lambang R aku yang kamu bawa ya !
thursday, februari 17th 2011
ayo berenang dan bersenang - senang :)
hari ini schedule pasti ku berenang sama luki hana faizah (sodara2 pasdaluh ku) soulmate ku faizah ngga bisa ikut, ada acara :(akhirnya jam 3 sore kita bertiga kumpul di Plaza Marina :)nemenin hana dulu naruh lepi di tempat servis lepi trs kita beli cemilan dikit,baru deh msk tempat berenangg ..ayo kita berenangg !!!!
di dalem kita ganti dulu, sama naruh barang berharga di loker juga ..ketimbang ilangg malah lucu dadine .. xpyasuda abis ganti kita nyebur deh ..senang sekali kita berenang sama2, trs naik ke prosotan yg tinggi itu bertiga juga (aku sama luki sampe tumpuk2 an :p) ..trs sempet foto2 juga, yg awalnya aku palingg ngga bisa mencet tombol kameranya hanong yg memang lecet sampe akhirnya bisa juga horeee \(^_^)/kita foto2 riaa ..sampe sekitar jam setangah 6 sore kita mandi trs keluar deh ..hmm salah satu pengalaman berenang hari ini ketemu sekumpulan anak2 aneh yg kalo luki bilangnya VILLAGER hehe ..trs kalo aku bilang we're TEENANGERS but they are VILLAGER xp (opo ae mbak :p)abis mandi2 kita makan di resto Solaria ..sambil main UNO juga hehe :Dsetelah kenyang kita nemenin hanong ambil lepi dulu baru deh kita pulang ..hari yang melelahkan hingga hampir menguras dompet, tapi sangat menyenangkan :)let's having fun next time :))dan, ini beberapa hasil jepretan kita :)
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seger segerrrr \m/ |
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areg ilang o.O |
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hanNong o.O rara |
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luki o.O rara |
tak tangkep luk !!!
thursday, februari 17th 2011
valday with my superboy :)
dear blogger,
kaya nya uda lama sekali aku ngga ngepost ke blogger ini ..
mumpung ada waktu, i wanna tell you about my special day with my superboy :)
jadi hari ini kita bener2 ngabisin waktu yg terus terang hampir seharian penuh,
suerrrr aku seneng pol ya Tuhan ..
Schedule kita hari ini tuh pokonya spending time together lah ..
secara ya kemarin dari hari sabtu sampe senen pagi unyu tuh baru dari luar kota (dinas :p ahahhaa)
jadi aku pikir2 apa salahnya kita melepas penat, rasa kangen dan bersenang senang bersama :)
dan, hari yang indah ini dimulai waktu pagi sekitar jam 06.00 kita pergi ke Masjid Al-Akbar (jogging berdua),
rencana sih aku minta temenin unyu buat latian fisik gitu (kan aku baru kepilih jadi Divisi pasukan utama di paskib, jadi harus bener2 serius ngejalaninya meskipun kudu di tuntut selalu tampil sempurna kata bang Don) .
eeeehhhh, malah aku yang kalah semangat dari dia hehe ..
abis perutku kram, ngga bisa di ajak kompromi :p
akhirnya kita lari + jalan sampe 3 putaran, trs aku sit up push up juga, baru deh kita cari cemilan daera situ ..
dari masjid Al-Akbar tuh jam 7 pagi lebih, trs sampe rmh sempet ngobrol berdua sampe jam setengah 9 ..
cape sih, tapi seneeeeeeeeeeeeeeenggggggggggggggg ..
ini first time kita jogging bareng :)
Sampe rumah aku bobo dulu istirahat sementara unyu katanya besketan ..
baru deh sekitar jam setengah satu siangnya kita berdua sama2 berangkat, berangkat ke kamar mandi maksudnya ..
kita lho mandinya barengan pegggg, tapi beda tempat lah pastinya ..
i don't know why, but we're always ONE HEART :)
abis itu sempet ujan sih tapi berhububg Tuhan mengabulkan doaku hehe,
sekitar jam setengah dua uda terang benderang ..
dan sang putri pun tinggal menunggu pangeran nya datang untuk menjemputnya ..
barudeh kita berangkat, let's having fun boy !
Sampe ke tempat tujuan (Monkasel Delta Plaza),
kita langsung menuju ke Monumen Kapal Selam yg ada di sana ..
secara dari beberapa hari yang lalu aku wes ngidam berat pengen ke Monkasel (terakhir kesana SD sih)
kangeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn ~O~
di dalem kita mengamati gitu (koyo wong pinter ae yo :p), tapi emang alasan ku hari ini ada riset kapal selam (haha, riset kapal selam jareee neg riset pempek kapal selam aku jagonya :p)
masih ngga berubah tapi saking senengnya sampe kejedot2 gitu di dalem :D
trs keluar dari situ, kita jalan ke 'Video Rama', tapi karna penayangan selanjutnya jam 15.00 jadi kita nunggu di deket sungai ato kali ato apalah aku gatau sebutan nya :p
seneng deh, pol !
aku juga sempat update status FB :p
So beautiful day that i can spending time with him :)
Sampe waktu jam 3 barudeh masuk, di dalem kita ngeliat tayangan tentang sejarah kapal selam dan para pelaut hebat yg berasal dari kota Surabaya juga ..
Keren beuddd :)) mereka HEBAT ..
sampai terharu (lebay) ..
dan ternyata kapal selam RI PASOPATI yg kita liad sekarang tuh satu dari 10 kapal selam yg di kasih sama Belanda ke kita .. wow segitu banyak nya ya ?coba bayangin kalo semuanya majeng di deket Delta, lak yo medeni se .. xphmm oiya padahal dulu kata papa aku pernah liad juga nih video, tapi waktu itu masih kecil uda lupa ..nah, abis dari kawasan Monkasel kita capcus ke Delta ..aku kan butuh ke Gramed, trs kita mampir ke foodcourt ..unyu makan aku ngemil ice cream zangrandi hehe ..dari situ kita jalan2 aja sih .yang lucu tuh waktu kita mampir ke tempat Valentine's gift di depan gramed, aku nemu boneka monyet couple gitu trs tak peragain seolah olah itu aku sama unyu :ptrs ada lagi, jadi unyu tuh beli pajangan lucu ada suaranya gitu ..suerrr aku ngga punya pikiran kalo dia bakal ngasi ke aku, jadi aku nya ya percaya2 aja waktu unyu bilang kalo dia mau ksh tuh pajangan ke mbaknya . justru pertama, aku mikir dia beli ginian buat di pajang sendiri .. haha ..sementara aku tetap innocent xpDari situ kita pulang, secara uda mau maghrib .di tempat parkir baru deh dia mulai ngasi tau dikit2 sampai saya pun peka akan itu xp(bodo pol kalo di gituin tetep gak peka :D )trs sampe rumah beneran deh dia nyuruh aku bawa Valentine's gift yg tadi dia beli,lak yo unyu se .. ???okay, it's time to say thank you for today :)sang putri harus melepas pangeran nya pergi, paling ngga hri ini aku uda seneng pol xpmakasi nyu, kamu uda jadi valentine pertama ku :)love youxoxo
tuesday, februari 15th 2011
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